Hi,I Am Xinlu A UX designer with an interdisciplinary background and is passionate about creating meaningful and interactive experience for people ProjectsUX&UI Design | Web Based | Design System | 0-1 DesignCenter For Curriculum RedesignEdLight DashboardAn innovative teacher dashboard to demonstrate students' 21st competency growth and inform teaching improvements UX Design | Mobile | Ed-TechCity of Bridges High SchoolChaos PortfolioA mobile app helps teachers and students to document and track ongoing progress UX Design | Design Evaluation | MuseumCarnegie Museum Of Natural HistoryDon't Hang Up On GorillasAn Anthropocene-themed exhibit furthers visitors' awareness and communication in museum Save as PDF
UX&UI Design | Web Based | Design System | 0-1 DesignCenter For Curriculum RedesignEdLight DashboardAn innovative teacher dashboard to demonstrate students' 21st competency growth and inform teaching improvements
UX Design | Mobile | Ed-TechCity of Bridges High SchoolChaos PortfolioA mobile app helps teachers and students to document and track ongoing progress
UX Design | Design Evaluation | MuseumCarnegie Museum Of Natural HistoryDon't Hang Up On GorillasAn Anthropocene-themed exhibit furthers visitors' awareness and communication in museum